It inspires me to do better things… a professional reflection on teaching reading comprehension

“I like how Daniel was nice in the end.” Matthew, age 8 “I love this book.” Tanya, age 7 “I’ve never read such a fantastic book how enemies became friends.” Anne, age 8 “It is funny. It has nice adjectives, and it is my religion and I love the story. It is the best.” Hasad,Continue reading “It inspires me to do better things… a professional reflection on teaching reading comprehension”

A Cognitive, Social and Intellectual Phenomenon?

Emerging from an idyllic holiday with family and friends over the Christmas and New Year, I’m feeling more energised than I have for a long time. I’ve decided to revisit my neglected blog before diving into plans for the new academic year in Queensland – January 2023. At the time of writing my previous post,Continue reading “A Cognitive, Social and Intellectual Phenomenon?”

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